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National Day holiday brings box office surge丨国庆假期票房激增


As a testament to its economic vitality, the weeklong National Day holiday has sparked a box office surge, underscoring the potential of China's resurgent market.


As of Friday, the vacation starting from Tuesday has raked in 1.47 billion yuan ($209.4 million), a 45 percent increase compared to the same period in 2022 and slightly surpassing the year-on-year figure in 2023, according to Maoyan Pro, a real-time movie information tracker.

据电影信息实时跟踪网站 “茂研专业版”(Maoyan Pro)的数据显示,截至上周五,从周二开始的假期共收获了 14.7 亿元人民币(约合 2.094 亿美元)的票房,与 2022 年同期相比增长了 45%,并略微超过了 2023 年的同比数字。

Fueled by the boom, this year's box office tally has surpassed 36 billion yuan, deemed by many industry insiders as an inspirational sign to uplift morale following the sluggish previous seasons from the May Day holiday to the summer vacation and Mid-Autumn Festival.

在这股热潮的推动下,今年的票房已突破 360 亿元,不少业内人士认为,这是继五一小长假、暑假档、中秋档等低迷档期之后,又一个鼓舞士气的信号。

Source: China Daily

Editor:Gao Xin

Senior Editor:PangBo