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贵阳花溪镇山村:“石头”村寨里的慢时光 Pass time in a “stone village” of Guizhou




As the weekend is approaching, where do you want to escape for some relaxation?


在贵阳市花溪区,三面环水、一面依山的“石头”村寨——镇山村,也许会是“放空” 的不错选择。


Zhenshan Village in the Huaxi District of Guiyang City is a “stone” village surrounded by rivers and mountains. Perhaps, it is a good choice.





Everything in the village seems to be related to stone: stone steps, walls, rooftops... all beautifully arranged among the lush green mountains and waters, resembling a landscape painting of green hills and misty waters.





Zhenshan Village was founded during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty and initially served as a military outpost. It gradually evolved into a place for the Bouyei people. Zhenshan Village is a typical ethnic village, divided into upper and lower villages, covering an area of 3.8 square kilometers, with a total population of 850. In 2019, Zhenshan Village was selected as one of the seventh batch of China’s historical and cultural villages.

贵州日报天眼新闻记者 赖盈盈

编辑 陈大炜

二审 闵捷

三审 庞博