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Bouyei ethnic group dazzles foreign guests with its culture|布依文化让外国客人惊叹!

The British China Daily specialist, Joe Matthew Burns, and German content creator, Robert Michael Adolf, were utterly enchanted by the distinctive culture of the Bouyei ethnic group, as well as the mesmerizing night light shows. Embark on their adventure as they delve into the stunning architecture and rich ethnic heritage of Xingyi in the Qianxinan Bouyei and Miao autonomous prefecture in Southwest China's Guizhou province.

《中国日报》的英国专家Joe Matthew Burns与德国内容创作者Robert Michael Adolf完全被独特的布依族文化吸引住了。在中国西南部的贵州省黔西南州布依族苗族自治州兴义市,他们将深入探索令人惊叹的布依建筑和丰富民族文化,在兴义开始他们的冒险之旅!



Senior Editor:PangBo