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XINQI Discovers CIFTIS: Paying to travel in China gets easier|“新奇组合”发现在中国旅游变得更容易了!

It's easier and more convenient for foreigners to travel in China now. At the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), CGTN's XINQI duo Séan Doherty and Emma Ho take you to experience the latest ways to pay for your travels in China.

现在外国人到中国旅游更容易、更方便了。在中国国际服务贸易交易会(CIFTIS)上,CGTN新奇组合的温昕(Séan Doherty)和雪琦(Emma Ho)将带你体验用最新、最快捷的支付方式在中国旅行!

Source: CGTN


Senior Editor:MinJie