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Go with Tatiana: “Wind rises” in Guizhou Guiding | 在贵州邂逅《起风了》


Few of us can say that we like the wind. The imagination immediately conjures up images of cold and dreary days. The wind blows the last yellow leaves from the trees, and the rain drums on the roofs and eaves.


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But the wind can be different. On a hot, sultry day, there is nothing better than a light breeze bringing the long-awaited coolness.


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Today, I will take you on a journey to Guiding County, where in Yuanlongshan the wind bends tall grasses on the hills and all your worries far away.


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The nature here is especially beautiful in the summer, with cows and horses grazing, many butterflies flying around, and a quiet, peaceful atmosphere... But as soon as the wind appears, the silence shatters into a myriad of ringing fragments. As it rushes past, it spreads the fragrant aroma of steppe plants and sings its mysterious music.


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The sound of the wind, in my opinion, is one of the most pleasant sounds. But the wind is changeable; it can be warm or cold, fresh or dusty. It can be strong and ruthless or gentle and kind. It changes everything, moving things from place to place.


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The wind never stops, it is a great traveler. It always wanders far and wide. It knows all the roads, though it doesn’t even need them. It could reveal all the mysteries and secrets, transmitting extraordinary scents.


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Come to Guiding this summer, enjoy the coolness, feel the wind, and try to uncover the secrets it carries within...



Kucherova Tatiana

编辑 陈大炜

二审 闵捷

三审 庞博